Birmingham Airport Inland Border Facility

Update: The Birmingham Airport Inland Border Facility closed from 23.59 on 30 June 2022 with works to return the site to its previous condition and use as an airport car park, commencing in September 2022. The site is scheduled to be returned to the landlord in March 2023. Traffic should now use the Sevington or Holyhead Inland Border Facility sites.


This page provides an opportunity for interested individuals and organisations to view information about the Government’s proposals for the Birmingham Airport Inland Border Facility.

The site acts as a location for starting and ending transit movements of goods from the UK. The site includes parking areas for HGVs and other vehicles as well as security measures and facilities to enable the checking of vehicles and goods entering and exiting the site.

The submission relating to the Government’s proposals for the Birmingham Airport Inland Border Facility was approved by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) in November 2020. As such, the site at Car Park 6, Birmingham Airport is in use as an inland border facility as of 1 January 2021 for 24 months. The site is also subject to construction and operational management plans which have now been approved.

The decision notice relating to MHCLG’s approval of the SDO application is available to view here

The temporary approval for the use of the site as an inland border facility came to an end on 31 December 2022. Operations have ceased and the site is currently being reinstated, in accordance with an approved reinstatement plan. Please see the link here

Contact us

If you have a specific concern, please contact us using the email below:

Community updates

News and updates for the local community regarding the Birmingham Airport Inland Border Facility are available to view below.

1st January 2020

The Birmingham Inland Border facility is now operational, enabling the safe and efficient processing of customs paperwork relating to international freight movement.

The operations of the inland border facility will continue to be carefully managed in accordance with the requirements of the approved Operational Management Plan (OMP). This includes the ongoing monitoring of traffic flows and site usage in conjunction with the local highway authority and Highways England.

As part of ongoing traffic management, signage has been used on local and strategic road networks to enable HGV drivers and staff to navigate to the site. Signage on site also provides contact information for any possible issues.

Engagement from Government departments with key stakeholders is ongoing to ensure that they are kept informed regarding operations on site. Further information for hauliers and guidance on attending an Inland Border Facility is available here.

23rd October 2020

We wanted to let you know that we will be carrying out some minor enabling works at the site which do not require planning permission.  

You may see some site set up works starting from 26th October, with construction works starting from 2 November 2020. 

These preparations are important to ensure that the site can be ready for the 1st of January 2021 to help support readiness for the end of the transition period. 

Inland border facilities form an essential part of our preparations to manage any potential disruption and ensure the free flow of goods in and out of the UK. They are subject to securing the necessary approvals under the new Special Development Order which came into force on the 24th of September 2020. 

All works will be carefully carried out to minimise any potential impacts on local residents.   

Construction and Operations

An Operational Management Plan (OMP) has been developed for the inland border facility. The OMP explains the tasks involved in safely managing and operating the site in a manner to reduce the potential for any adverse impacts on site or locally. It provides a framework of guidance to all site users and describes in detail the arrangements for delivering the intended services. A non-technical summary of the OMP can be viewed here

A Construction Management Plan (CMP) has been developed for the inland border facility. The CMP explains how construction works will be managed. It also ensures that possible impacts that may arise from the works have been appropriately identified and mitigated. The CMP for the inland border facility is available to view here

Site Location Map

Inland border facility location

This site is currently used as Car Park 6 of Birmingham Airport.

The site is located close to junction 6 of the M42 Motorway, from where there are signs towards the site. It can be accessed from the A45 (Coventry Road) and Jetstream Road.

There is a single exit and entrance at the end of Jetstream Road off the A45 Slip Road on B4438 (Airport Way).

Traffic flow and access

Traffic impacts on the local and strategic road network have been assessed and managed in conjunction with local and national stakeholders.

There is ongoing monitoring and reporting of any traffic effects on neighbouring roads caused by vehicles travelling to and from the Sevington Inland Border Facility. Where necessary, mitigation is implemented through the Traffic Management Plan (TMP).

Directing vehicles to the inland border facility

Traffic accesses and leaves the site via the existing site access point on Jetstream Road, travelling along the A45 Coventry Road towards J6 of the M42. This is an already established HGV route for vehicles serving Birmingham Airport and other businesses located within UK Central.

Major works are planned on J6 of the M42 commencing in 2021 and continuing for the duration of the site’s operation. This is expected to involve night-time closures of the junction so in these circumstances, HGVs would be diverted via the remaining Strategic Road Network (SRN) and local road network (LRN) to access the site when necessary.

Prominent road signage

Prominent road signage has been installed to direct HGV drivers to the inland border facility.

There are also signs outside the site entrance to advise hauliers about the use of site facilities and providing site contact details.

Entry and exit points at the site

There is one point of access and egress to the site from the existing access / egress point on Jetstream Road. HGVs are separated by the site design, whereby HGVs arriving are directed into swim lanes and HGVs egressing are directed out via the existing site egress.

Site staff access and egress the site via the existing site access/egress point but are directed to turn immediately left into the staff car park.

Information for hauliers

Information for hauliers attending the Birmingham Airport Inland Border Facility is available to view here

Access & vehicle movement plan


As part of the proposals for the inland border facility, relevant bodies, including the Environment Agency, Natural England and Historic England have been engaged about the use of the site.

The inland border facility proposals are temporary and are designed to ensure no significant or long-term environmental effects.

Given the temporary nature of the inland border facilities, reinstatement plans have been prepared which can be implemented when any inland border facility activities cease.

As part of the SDO approval, a study of the likely environmental effects has been produced. This study has considered air quality, cultural heritage, landscape and visual effects, biodiversity, road drainage and water. Noise monitoring is currently being carried out to allow the noise levels generated by the site to be monitored and mitigated if necessary. The study has also considered geology and soils, material assets and waste, population and health, and climate.

Frequently asked questions

What is the role of the inland border facility?

The site acts as an office for starting and ending transit movements of goods to and from the UK. Each location includes parking areas for HGVs and other vehicles as well as security measures and facilities
to enable the checking of goods and vehicles entering and exiting the sites. There are also temporary office buildings, staff and driver welfare amenities.

Why this location?

The site is in close proximity to J6 of the M42 motorway, a key HGV route into and out of the ports operating in the Dover Straits and for accessing Birmingham and major population centres, such as Manchester and Liverpool, in the North-West of England.

Will the operation of the site impact local communities?

The site is not located directly alongside residential properties. HGVs that access the site do not pass by residential properties.

What is the capacity of the site?

Operations at the site require up to 198 HGV spaces.

What impact will Highways England’s Junction 6 improvements have on the site?

We have been and will continue to liaise with both Highways England to understand the impacts of their scheme upon the Strategic and local road networks, and what impact these will have upon the site. We are also working closely with key local resilience forum stakeholders to establish any protocols that will be undertaken during any events of increased traffic.

How many staff are expected on site?

Approximately 150 staff attend site in shift patterns including site management, inspections, front office, traffic management and Security staff. There are parking provisions and welfare facilities provided for them.

What type of vehicles are expected to use the inland border facility?

The inland border facility is used by HGVs, cars and vans, including staff vehicles.

Are refrigerated vehicles expected at the inland border facility?

Provision is available for refrigerated vehicles.
No idling is permitted by refrigerated vehicles as engines of all stationary vehicles must be switched off while on site.

Will vehicles be inspected at the inland border facility?

There are inspection bays on site and the time required for each HGV check (excluding physical inspection) is a maximum of two hours. If a physical examination is required, an inspection may take up to eight hours.

Will goods be unloaded at the inland border facility?

There are examination facilities on site, and it is anticipated that some of the goods that are brought to the site will need a physical examination.

Will there be any hazardous materials brought on to the inland border facility?

An Operational Management Plan is in place for the inland border facility which sets out how the site will be managed and operated safely, including in relation to any hazardous materials.

How will you monitor the number of HGVs arriving at site?

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras are positioned at the site access and egress point in order to record vehicles entering and exiting the site.